WOOHOO~ I've received my 2nd payment from WidgetBucks! this time round with additional of $300+... YEAH! Gonna bank in soon!

Supposed to go for the complimentary Full Bio Body slimming treatment + Fat Burning Therapy from Bio Focus @ 2pm but ended up staying home… Anyway, I was also ½ hearted whether to go or not… hmm…
Today having a dinner gathering (actually celebrating XX’s belated birthday) with the ladies as we’re celebrating Xiaoxue’s birthday (although it’s belated) @ Manhattan Fish Market located inside Plaza Singapura… I was hesitating on whether to bring little prince along to the dinner gathering as it started raining quite heavily… Then Stephiey called me as she’s around east area & asked if I want to meet her to go together… Gave her my residential addy & meeting her @ 5.30pm while I quickly go prepared myself... 老公 was so nice to take care of little prince while I slept for almost 4pm then woke up… But poor老公 didn’t sleep well & only slept around 7 – 8+am & he was awaken by little prince’s crying around 11+am… So he only slept for less than 4 hours… He went back to sleep when I woke up & placed little prince in his cot… Fed little prince before meeting Stephiey & I decided not to bring little prince along & managed to get my mil to take care of him…
Drove to mil’s office & little prince was so happy to see her… When I said ‘bye bye’ to little prince, he smiled @ me… =) Then headed down to Plaza Singapura to meet up with the rest… The rest of them were already seated & Stephiey & I were the last one to arrive…
Those who attended:
1. Cynthia + Eddie
2. Aiko & Joel
3. Xiaoxue + Skye
4. Shirley
5. Jacqueline + Jabez
6. Shelley + Jexus
7. Stephiey
8. Me
Most of us had Fish & Chips while Cynthia + Eddie & Joel had the Seafood platter hat looked damn yummy delicious… All of us had a great time catching up & it’s been really long since we came out as a group… Cynthia + Eddie left 1st to check out the movie tickets while the rest of us proceeded to Orchard as Xiaoxue need to exchange something… Cynthia + Eddie came to join us shortly & we went window-shopping around… Xiaoxue’s hubby joined us around 10+pm & Cynthia + Eddie left early as they’re having other programs… We took a few pics right in front the fish tank @ Wisma before Xiaoxue + family left… Jacqueline + Jabez left shortly too with her sis while Shirley, Aiko, Joel, Stephiey & me went for the midnight shopping in Wisma… Shirley & I each bought a polo T from Baby GAP & it only cost us $18++ each, due to the promo they’re having + my GAP membercard discount… Aiko & Joel left to their friend’s birthday celebration while Shirley, Stephiey & I went to Coffee Club opposite Meritus Mandarin to chill… We stayed till around 3+am before we went home…
To Xiaoxue:
Happy belated birthday! Hope you like the pressie that we gave you. =)
To my ladies + Joel:
Totally enjoyed myself to the max! Thanks for the companionship! =)
To Shirley & Stephiey:
Thanks for the late night chill @ Coffee Club! Had a great time with you ladies! =)