Woke up @ 2+pm as I watched that The Drive of Life till very late... Quickly got myself prepared as well as little prince to 妈咪's place... Went OG with 妈咪 & 爹地 as she want to get a new bag for herself... So our 1st stop was Robinson (as I parked there)... Passed by a spectecles shop & I saw a pair of shades that I like very much... The usual price of the specs is almost $40, but it's selling only $18... I know that kind of specs can get it like $10 or so, but I still like it la... =P
妈咪 went in to Lee Hwa next to the specs shop & she even asked me to choose a new pair of diamond earrings for myself... I was like, "Oh my god! WooHoo~ You're gonna buy me diamonds again?" Then while I'm choosing the earrings, 妈咪 spotted a diamond bracelet (with diamond all round) & asked me to try it on... I thought she wanted to get for herself so I didn't think much & tried it on... But she preferred it in gold (as she's a gold lover, typical auntie) & that SA showed her a exactly same bracelet as the white gold one... It cost $10K for that gold bracelet... OMFG! $10K for a bracelet??? I can buy sooooooooooo many LV & Gucci bags & also LOTS of clothes & toys for little prince with that $10K... 妈咪 actually buying that bracelet for me & not for herself... That's a very good deal as it's only $2+K after discount as the usual price was $7+K... * Super Duper HAPPY ME *
Thereafter, went S-11 behind Robinson to have our dinner... Walked over to OG building as 妈咪 wanted to get a bag... Walked around the bag department & she finally found a bag that she like... She even said want me to get a new bag for CNY... But to me, I still prefer to buy either Gucci or LV tote bags... Then one tote bag from Renoma caught my eyes... It's big enough to put little price's barang barang when I bring him out or visiting... But I can only get it @ $29 with any purchase of Renoma or Pierre Cardin's products... 妈咪's still the best... Knowing that I like that tote bag, she bought a wallet as she wanted to change her current wallet too... So I GOT that bag! YAY!
妈咪 also wanted to buy new pair of shoes for little prince as she said little prince's current one kinda small & stained... Bought this pair of shoes @ $15.90...
She also bought this Notebook Computer English Learner for little prince... Although little prince is still too young to learn that, but still it's just a toy for him to play with now... Maybe later when he grow older & start learning in childcare, then will teach him that... For the current moment, it's only for him to play... Cuz whenever I'm using the computer, he will sure want to lay his hands on the keyboard... So @ least that notebook can keep him away from me... hehe... The notebook even comes with a mouse too... Even my mil thought it's a real notebook that can surf the net... But I will say that it's more for me to play than little prince as it's really very interesting... =D

After having shopped for almost 4 hours, we decided to go home sweet home... I'm sooooooo HAPPY today! 妈咪 still asked me whether I want a diamond pendant to complete my collection, then I told her that I no longer wear necklace & I also don't want her to spend too much money on me... Anyway, I got this exclusive GAP crazy stripe notebook with $0 amount... It's a christmas gift from GAP to their members... It's pretty handy to me, especially when I start to work (hopefully soon)...
To 妈咪:
Thanks for the diamond earrings & bracelet & also the ring that you bought for me 2 weeks back... I LOVE YOU TO THE MAX!!!