Happy Deepavali!!!
Today's 妈咪's off day, thus decided to bring 爹地 & 妈咪 together with little prince to Suntec City... Decided to dress little prince in long-sleeve shirt & pants (due the to weather) & he's such a handsome baby in that outfit... =) It's raining cats & dogs when on the way to 妈咪's place... Little prince fell alseep in the car on the way there... Surprisingly, the carpark was not very packed with cars... Maybe it's due to the long weekends thus most people preferred to stay home & rest...
It's been a while since I last bought clothes for little prince & I've decided to get clothes from Fox Kids... Only managed to get 3 tops for little prince as there's limited designs for the pants & the length was too long... And I was given a small bag as a free gift...
Headed to the foodcourt to have our early dinner before we continued to shop... Little prince now love to take my digicam & snapped... And this was his 1st attempt with my help... But 爹地 was damn funny la, purposely tilted his head towards his right side for little prince to snap... Lol...

And it's Mummy & son photo taking time... Haha...

Went to the Nursery Room to change little prince's diapers before we walked to Suntec City... Little prince liked to sing his own baby language song that only he could understand... And not too long ago, 老公 told me that little prince sang "Row, Row, Row your Boat" to him together with the action... So cute... Haha...

Don't know what's little prince's looking @
Went to GAP as I recently fell in love with their shirts... The shirt that little prince's wearing today was a gift from my 2 lovely ex-colleagues that they've bought... I like the cutting & the style of GAP shirts, although the price was on the higher end, who cares when the cutting's good... Little prince kept running here & there & it's so difficult to keep him stay still to try on the shirts and bought 1 shirt for him to wear on this coming Sunday, 妈咪's birthday celebration...
Little prince & grandparents
Little prince started to get abit cranky & wanted me to carry him... I totally ignored him & this was the look that he gave me...
The whining look
He even tried to pull the edges of my top & 'demanded' me to carry him... But I continued to ignore & he finally gave up and held my hand to continue walking... haha... When we walked past the lift lobby, little prince was attracted by the Cabal mural stickers & he was playiong with the lift 'down' button (the only button that he could pressed given his current height) even though we're not taking the lift...
Walked in to Charles & Keith as I'm looking for a pair of boots that I could wear to Guangzhou next week... There's 1 pair that I'm attracted to & it's about $80 but I don't look nice in them... It covered almost my whole calf all the way till few cm below kneecaps... And I looked funny in them as I'm not tall to begin with & it made me look even shorter... Think gonna go shopping latest by this week to find the pair of boots that I want... In the end, I bought a pair of black heels... Mummy also bought herself a pair of low heels from DMK...
Treated 妈咪 & 爹地 to some snacks & drinks @ Starbucks as I know that they won't bear to spend more than $2 on drinks & coffee... We're not even rich to begin with... So me as their daughter, will do my part as a filial daughter... Little prince was enjoying himself climbing up & down the comfy sofa, eating the Oreo Cheesecake & sipping few mouthfuls away of 妈咪's Promegranate Peach ice-blended...
Little prince looking out for buses
Started to get into his playful self
Enjoying 'kicking' the glass & the sofa
Got scolded by Mummy
Continued to be funny despite warnings from Mummy
A final shot of the mischevious little prince
Bought another pair of pants from Fox Kids while on the way back to to Pan Pac's carpark... Headed home sweet home as all of us gotta work the next day... And my total damage was closed to $250 on little prince's clothings & a pair of black heels... I'm $250 poorer this month.... =(
Little prince's clothes from Fox Kids
Free gift from Fox *they didn't have for boys to begin with*
Little prince's shirt from GAP
Black heels from Charles & Keith