Friday, June 13, 2008

Yeah! Today I’m bringing little prince to my family’s chalet organized by my 六姨 every year… Packed little prince’s & my stuffs after work & 老公 sent us to Aranda Country Club… Little Prince seemed so excited about it & was practically running all over the chalet when we reached there… It’s his 2nd time staying over @ the chalet, and it’s his 1st time staying with so many people…

六姨 & 小姨 already had ktv plan for the tonight and I can only join them later as I have to make sure little prince’s asleep 1st… I had a hard time making little prince sleep & I had to bring him into 1 of the bedroom & off the lights & hug him (like a bolster) to sleep… After few minutes of humming & singing songs to him, he finally budged & slumbered to his la-la land… My nephew was kind enough to look after little prince for me (just in case of him waking up in the middle of the night) while me, Kylie & her bf walked over to K-box (located @ E-hub!) and joined 六姨 & 小姨…

We had hell of fun singing & laughing & my cousin, Edward was the only sole singer in the whole room... We were teasing him that he’s holding his own ‘mini’ concert… The aircon was so freaking cold that I have to use the hood to cover my head... 小姨 received a call from his son (my nephew) around 2+am & I got a shock, thinking must be little prince woke up… Lucky thing was not little prince, it’s my niece… We ended our ktv session around 3+am & brought McDonald’s back for supper & played 3-legged mahjong with Kylie & her bf till 5+am & slumbered to my dreamland…

Kylie & me

Me & Edward (the sole singer of the night!)

Kylie's bf, Hongda (but we call him 'HONDA')

Sole singer in action!

see how engrossed he is

'HONDA' singing (the 12 minute song)

Kylie caught me playing PSP


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