Sunday, January 21, 2007

~*~ 12 LaYeRs oF mE ~*~

(extracted from deardar)

Layer ONE
On the Outside
Called As: Agnes Josephine
Birth Date: 17 April 1979
Current Status: Happily Married
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Brownish to black cuz can't dye hair as I'm PREGNANT! =(
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Aries

Layer TWO
On the inside
Your Heritage: Singaporean (Mixture of Cantonese & Teochew)
Your Fears: Giving birth
Your Weaknesses: Temper??
Your Perfect Pizza: Lotsa hams & pineapples as I LOVED Hawaiian Pizza

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: Hungry!!
Your Bedtime: Is my baby Kayden sleeping (inside my tummy)?
Your most missed memory: Every moments spent with my hubby!!

Layer FOUR
Your Pick

Pepsi or Coke: Coke but can't take now during pregnacy =(
McDonald’s or KFC: Can I have BOTH?? YUM YUM!! *greedy me*

Adidas or Nike: Nike
Lipton tea or Milo: Milo
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

Layer FIVE
Do you
Smoke: 7 months ago (before pregnant)
Curse: Nope

Layer SIX
In the Past Month

Drank alcohol: Nope cuz pregnant can't drink
Gone to the mall: Of cuz... Shopping is MY favorite hobby!! =)

Been on stage: Nope
Eaten sushi: YES.. In fact many times =P

Dyed your hair: No cuz can't dye hair as I'm PREGNANT! =(

Have You Ever?

Played a stripping game: OVER MY DEAD BODY!!
Changed who you were to fit in: ??

Age you’re hopin' to be married: Happily Married to my hubby & expecting our 1st child!!

Layer NINE
In a Girl/Guy

Best eye colour: Brown
Best hair colour: Any colors that look nice on me

Short or long hair: Long. Never cut short in my entire life.

Layer TEN
What Were You Doing

1 minute ago: Typing this
1 hour ago: Pricking my fingers with lancet

4.5 hours ago: In my dreamland
1 month ago: Happily enjoying my pregnancy life!! =) still enjoying now!!
1 year ago: Just resigned from advertising line

Finish the sentence

I love: my hubby and my upcoming new member, Baby Kayden & my family
I feel: that I'm the happiest woman in the world as I'm married to my lovely hubby who LOVED me soooooooooo much!!! =)
I hate: to be hungry!! An hungry woman is an angry woman!!
I hide: my fears of giving birth by not thinking of it... (like real..) LOL!!
I miss: my clubbing/pubbing days with my bunch of friends! =(
I need: to control my diet from now till delivery, if not I won't be able to give birth naturally to my baby Kayden cuz he'll be too big in size.. *fingers crossed*

5 people in my mind

1. My Dearest Hubby
2. My precious son, Kayden Loo (can't wait for his arrival!!)
3. My Daddy
4. My Mummy
5. My deceased Grandpa & Grandma